Navigating the Shelby County Courthouse Square for newbies

  • The Shelby County Courthouse Square as seen by Google Earth with added driving directions.
    The Shelby County Courthouse Square as seen by Google Earth with added driving directions.

Being new to Center, Texas, with my new office on the Shelby County Historic Courthouse square, is a delight. Surrounded by restored historic buildings, for a Texas architecture lover, the square in Center, Texas, is an achievement that every rural Texas city with a courthouse would marvel at.

Shops filled with every type of merchandise. Gyms, restaurants, and a historic movie theater that I have not seen the likes of since living in Clifton, Texas, with the newspaper next door to the Clif-Tex Theater, the oldest standing movie house in the Lone Star State.

I love everything about the courthouse square in Center except for one thing: the traffic flow.

It took me a few times to figure out that the stop signs were not roundabouts, and the first time I attempted to enter the square, it was exciting, not to mention a close call.

Now I’m sure, being the new guy in town, that this is just a “new guy” thing. But after standing on the corner at The Light and Champion for two and a half weeks, I can honestly say it is not a “new guy” thing that has prompted this article.

Roughly every day, I have seen the Center Police Department stopping some motorists on the square. I witnessed the regular event moments ago and was eager to write this article.

Let’s rehash the traffic flow of the courthouse square. To the right is a photo provided by Google Earth and enhanced with traffic flow, which is in a counter-clockwise circle (square.)

When entering the square, you either enter straight or turn right. If you wish to “loop” the square, get to the inside lane.

When exiting the square, you either go straight, turn left, or turn right (turning right takes you away from the square), as each feeder road to the square is two-way. That is all the options available at each intersection of the square. When turning right, you need to be in the inside lane, as this is designed to allow you to “loop” the square.

Now, each intersection is a three (really four, but you only have three in line at any given time) way stop sign. Everyone takes turns. When you arrive, you are third; wait your turn, please.

If we can slow down just a little, well, that would be nice as well.

Y’all have a safe holiday, and if you are on the road, as more than 50 million motorists will be this holiday season, slow down and get to your loved ones safely. Happy holidays from the Light and Champion staff, and we will see all of you again right after the holiday break.


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