Truck donation and election information tops county agenda

  • Truck donation and election information tops county agenda
    Truck donation and election information tops county agenda

The donation of a vehicle to the Precinct 5 Constable’s office and a report on the results of the June 4 primary election topped Shelby County Commissioners’ court meeting Wednesday, June 5.

The county discussed the donation of a 2017 Dodge truck proposed by Constable Josh Tipton at a previous meeting. The item was at first tabled pending Tipton providing an estimated cost for outfitting the vehicle for use by his department. It was scheduled again at the June 5 meeting, but was again tabled at the request of Tipton.

Tipton storing the vehicle making it available to any other county entity needing it. County Judge Allison Harbison noted ways for using the vehicle instead of storing it. “I would love for it to be attached to the emergency management, courthouse security or something like that,” she said.

Comm. Tom Bellmyer concurred. “When we finally make a decision on this truck and if we do or don’t have a third vehicle, I agree with that. But I don’t see a third vehicle going to storage,” he said.

Shelby County Elections Administrator Nancy Adams reported the results of the June 4 primary runoff election in which Gerald Corbell prevailed in the sheriff ’s race and Roy Cheatwood retain his office as Constable of Precinct 3.

“We are not tasked with canvassing. Miss Adams just wanted to make us aware of the election,” Harbison told the court.

“It went pretty well, I think. No glitches. It just took a while to get some of the machines back because of the weather,” Adams said.

Harbison noted that 1,953 out of 16,087 registered voters voted.

“That’s sad,” Adams commented.

“It’s about 12 percent, which is a shame,” Bellmyer interjected.

Harbison reiterated that the court was not required to act upon the information in any way.

Adams confirmed that no legal action was needed, she was just providing information. “Leigh (Porterfield, Shelby County Republican Party Chairperson) would be the one doing the canvassing,” Adams added.

The court also proclaimed June 10-16 as Men’s Health Week as part of a national campaign.

In other business the court approved the weekly expenses and the current payroll.


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